Tuesday, May 09, 2006

There once was a little girl who spent far too much time daydreaming…

Yesterday saw my very final counselling session marking a three year anniversary. It was an enjoyable end, a joy to be able to say that everything is going really well at the moment and that I feel ready to deal with anything that comes my way. I have finally realised that there will never come a point where I can draw a line and say 'this is it!'. This IS it, my life as it is now, and I can't waste any more time waiting for it to start. It's happening every second. I've made some plans, one being to travel more, I have an ambitious idea of going to Brazil!. Mainly I want to start being creative and enjoying it again. As an illustrator I got stuck doing commissions that I didn't really enjoy, never wanting to turn anything down. Now I am teaching more I have time to work on my own ideas, I just hope I can pin myself down to a couple!! The picture above was something I did years ago. It was for myself as a response to 'Like Water For Chocolate' one of my favourite books ever. Read it soon if you haven't already.


Time to stop delaying and get on with it...


Susannah Conway said...

i've always loved this painting you did. i'm so excited that you're making time in your life to get creative again - i can feel good things coming... can you feel them too? ... like a storm of creativity and inspiration heading your way.... you don't need an umbrella anymore

love you x

Amber said...

I love it. I like your style! Is that the right word for art? well, I like it.


boho girl said...

i am breathless. i absolutely LOVE that painting and am so tempted to commission you to do one for my future nursery of a pregnant woman.


i adore your sister as though i have known her for years. i hope to find a sort of kindred connection with you, through her.

i saw the movie "Like Water for Chocolate" but have yet to read the book. perhaps i'll pick it up after i read "Lovely Bones" from your sis.

welcome, welcome to the sisterhood.

Colorsonmymind said...

Oh- I was truly moved by this piece...I wish I could hang it on my wall.

I am so happy to "meet" you.

Anonymous said...

I love this illustration...it reminds me a bit of how I felt while pregnant, all mysterious and moon-like.

Nice to meet you. :) Your sis's blog is one of my very favorites!